Midnight Thoughts

Late Night Thoughts about Life, Love and Happiness

My Freedom List July 3, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — annafig19 @ 9:58 pm

On the eve of our nation’s Independence Day I have been thinking about what I would like to be free from. Here is my current FREEDOM list:

1. Hypocrites: let’s get rid of those wusses.

2. Weight gain from anxiety eating…if I’m anxious, I should be exempt from the calories. I’m suffering enough!

3. Multi-tasking: it’s a myth. We’ve been lied to. No one can multitask and do any of it right.

4. Robocalls…send them all to automatic messaging hell.

5. Excuses…mine or anyone else’s. We do what we decide to do. With the exception of illness or being the victims of violence, we are the architects of our realities.

6. Negative thoughts: whoever programmed that dialogue in our heads was a jerk, but we are all grown up now and it’s time to call BS and be the badasses we were born to be.

7. Men who like skinny women. Nah.

8. Gravity. What the hell, right?

9. People who justify evil. You need to go live in North Korea.

10. Cancer: everyone should be free from it. F#@& CANCER! RIP Ibis Guinness, John Guinnes, Jose “Hutch” Rives, Danitza Perez and Yamile Perez Rojas.

#freedom #fourthofjuly #cancer

I wish you all a very happy 4th of July with your loved ones! LET FREEDOM RING!


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